When blogs first became a thing, I, like millions of other people around the world, eventually joined the party. But, I made one hard and fast rule for myself - I am only going to write a blog if it is about something I am passionate about (for example, a rant about the quality of online recruitment advertising) or have experience of something that my wittering on about may benefit others who read it (my piece about being made redundant would be another example). That's my rule, in a nutshell. After all, wasn't the 'weblog' originally created to be the online log of the actual author of the piece? When and why did it turn into a piece of material that you commissioned an outsider to churn out on behalf of you or your business just to pad out your website or give the impression that you feverishly write a blog on a regular basis? Where's the authenticity, originality and personality in that?
The answer, to me at least, seems to be that the blog, having started out as an opportunity for the actual author of the piece to put their point of view out there in public for all to see, has now, in many instances, become nothing more than a page about something/anything related to your business to put on your website to try and drive traffic to it. And that's fine if that is your intention, but I will always turn down the opportunity to write such a piece because, as I say, to me, the blog, if it is to remain in existence, is, for me, merely an outlet to express my own point of view on a subject that I care about - hence this hastily typed missive that I hope has made you think. I mean, come on, how many more 'top tips', 'how to' and 'why you' type blogs does the world really need?
In summary, if you feel strongly about a subject; if you have been through something in life that you think might help others or you're simply so fired up and passionate about something relating to your business life then go for it, write a blog, but make it your own words. Don't commission someone else to do it for you just so that the hits on your website get a boost or it helps pad out a neglected section of that site. The online world already has more than enough of those articles floating about.
Rant over. Comments welcomed.